Smart Shop Manger With POS
Smart Shop Manager with POS is php based web application that help you to manage your shop from anywhere; Office, Home, Warehouse or on the go.
With Smart Shop Manager with POS you can manage stock, purchase and sales from anywhere, Office, Home, Warehouse or on the go. You can also manage multiple warehouses with Stock Manager Advance with POS Module. You only need internet connection for it.
Smart Shop Manager has built-in POS (Point of Sale), Invoice and Inventory System. This Business Solution comes with Products, Purchase, Expenses, Transfers, Sales, Quotations, Gift Cards, Customer, Suppliers, User and Reports modules. You can generate purchase order and/or sales order from quotations. Sales modules have Paypal and Skrill payments with gift cards and deliveries.
POS (Point of Sale) module have Paypal Pro and Stripe payment gateways to accept credit card payments with suspend sales and sell gift cards. POS module design is simple and productivity. You can accept multiple payments for sale.
Products modules have barcode and label printing feature. There are more then 3 option to print the product barcode and label.
Smart Shop Manager with POS is php-based web application that help you to manage your stock. Listed below are the core features:
- Inventory Accounting
- Ability to add new user groups
- Ability to add new customer groups
- Custom module permissions for user groups
- Notifications Module
- Email protocol options (mail, sendmail and smtp)
- Multiple currencies (for front-end that will be added after this release)
- Products Module
- Improved barcode feature and attached barcode symbology to product
- Improved barcode/label printing feature
- Duplicate product option
- Product racks/locations
- Product Image Gallery
- Ability to set the images/thumbnails size
- Ability to add watermark to product images
- Attach tax rate with product
- Tax method to add tax inclusive/exclusive to the price and cost
- Attach multiple supplier to product
- Option for product expiry date while purchasing the stock
- Option to add/edit product quantity on add/edit product page
- Product variants with quantity tacking
- Users Module
- Assign users a warehouse and biller
- Own sales/quotations/purchases/transfers restrictions for users
- Customers Module
- Option to select customer group (to manage different selling rates)
- Re-structured the module to add users to customer company (front-end that will be added after this release)
- You can add customer group in settings to assign different product price to customer.
- Suppliers Module
- Re-structured the module to add users to supplier company (front-end that will be added after this release)
- Sales Module
- New add/edit page design
- Invoice view (Standard or Tax Invoice)
- Ability to add manual product to order list
- Ability to sell gift cards
- Ability to get paid by gift cards
- Ability to edit the product price on sale page
- Instant discount (add percentage or fixed discount to order and/or any product)
- Warehouse code/name/address on invoice
- Return sales and issue refunds
- Record payments to sale (full/partial with any no of payments)
- Add payment terms (No of pending payment days before the sale marked as due)
- Sale status (pending/completed)
- Payment status (pending/due/partially paid/fully paid))
- Email invoices with payment buttons (Paypal and Skrill)
- Reports Module
- Added product expiry alerts
- Added payments report
- Added profit and loss report
- Added customer report
- Added supplier report
- Added staff report
- Settings Module
- Manage user groups and permissions
- Manage customer groups
- Manage currencies
- Added option to upload map for warehouses
- Added option to upload images for categories and sub categories
- Added email templates (set email message in WYSIWYG editor)
- Added option to add tax code
- POS Module
- Add Item by Barcode scanner and code/name suggestion
- Ability to add manual product to order list
- Ability to sell gift cards
- Ability to edit the product price on sale page
- Instant discount (add percentage or fixed discount to order and/or any product)
- Rounding to nearest 0.05
- Option to add comment
- Record multiple payments to sale
- Payment Gateways (Paypal Pro and Stripe) for Credit Card Payment Processing
- Aded Qz Printing Plug-in (Java Applet) to print and open cash drawer
- Added swipe credit card input
- Sell gift cards
- Pay by gift card
- Simple restriction for staff to not delete item in POS (POS will ask for password, that owner can set in POS Settings)
Although we strongly recommend hosting your application online, you can still host it offline. The system requirement for hosting is as seen below:
- Apache 2.2+
- Mysql 5.4+
- PHP 5.3+
- For offline hosting, you need any of the following WAMP / XAMPP / MAMP / EASYPHP
1. Receipt Printers:
We have tested the update V3 with Bixolon SRP-350II (USB) with Web Browser Printing and Java Applet by adding qz print plugin that will support these printers
- Samsung Bixolon SRP350plus, Bixolon SRP-350II and Bixolon SRP-270.
- Telly Dascom 1125 (USB)
- Epson Thermal Printer (COM)
- Eltron P310i
- Zebra GK420, Zebra P310, Zebra LP 2844 and Zebra TLP2844
- Citizen CT-S2000 (USB)
- DOS/LPT1 Printing
- Print directly to file: i.e. \serverprinter
- Nippon Primex
- Essae PR-85j
- Bematech MP200
- Bixolon printers will work fine however you might need to change some commands for other printers. Please be informed that we can't provide support regarding any issues with plug-in. You will need to manage it by yourself.
2. Barcode Scanners/Readers:
Any of the barcode scanners/readers will work fine with v3 as long as it can read accurately.
4. Cash Drawers:
You should buy the cash drawers that can be connected to pos printer. To use cash drawers, you printer should have the port to connect cash drawer as Bixolon SRP350II.
For Browser Print, you might need to set your printer to open cash drawer before printing.
For Java QZ Print, It will be fine as cash drawer will be opened with printing and can be opened without printing.
4. For barcode and label printing:
Any desktop laser print will work fine.
You can evaluate Smart Shop Manager with POS before buying by login in with the following details:
Password: Ariel300
Password: Ariel300
Password: Ariel300
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